Induction Unit for suspended ceiling



Køleelementer af typen WK-D-UL er beregnet til afledning af interne varmebelastninger, hvor der er behov for de energimæssige fordele ved køling med vand. En høj kølekapacitet pr. arealenhed giver en billig løsning til indeklimaet.

WK-D-UL-køleelementerne kan især anvendes sammen med metalloftplader i alle standardudførelser, som kunden selv stiller til rådighed, og de kan også kombineres med gipsplader i loftet. I tilfælde af et gennemgående strålebelagt kølet loft afgives ca. 55 % af den interne belastning ved stråling og ca. 45 % ved konvektion.

WK-D-UL-køleelementerne består af varmeledningsstænger, hvori en rørmøer er presset ind på en sådan måde, at der er fuld kontakt, hvilket sikrer optimal varmeledning. For at sikre en korrekt kontakt med loftpladerne er varmeledningsstængerne forsynet med en magnetstrimmel, der indsættes i midten ved stålpladelofter, og med dobbeltklæbende tape ved aluminiumslofter og gipspladelofter.

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Active chilled beam for heating and cooling, with 2-pipe or 4-pipe heat exchanger, for integration with various ceiling systems

  • Preferably for room heights up to 4.0 m
  • High heating and cooling capacity with a low conditioned primary air volume flow rate and low sound power level
  • Four nozzle variants to optimise induction based on demand
  • Hinged, removable induced air grille in four designs

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Control system
  • Additional casing for extract air
  • Heat exchanger powder-coated black
  • Powder coating in many different colours, e.g. RAL CLASSIC
  • Adjustable air control blades for air direction control
  • With an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation

Kühlleistung: bis 2.450 W Heizleistung: bis 2.970 W

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Active chilled beam for heating and cooling, with 2-pipe or 4-pipe heat exchanger, for integration with various ceiling systems. The condensate drip tray is useful if the temperature temporarily falls below the dew point.

  • Preferably for room heights up to 4.00 m
  • High heating and cooling capacity with a low conditioned primary air volume flow rate and low sound power level
  • High comfort levels due to low airflow velocity in the occupied zone
  • Three nozzle variants to optimise induction based on demand
  • Hinged, removable induced air grille in four designs

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Control system
  • Additional casing for extract air
  • Heat exchanger powder-coated black
  • Powder coating in many different colours, e.g. RAL CLASSIC

Kühlleistung: bis 1.830 W Heizleistung: bis 1.240 W

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The convective chilled ceiling elements type WK-D-EL in the elliptical shape can be used for open transfer or in connection with the open grid ceilings as visually sophisticated convective chilled ceiling.
The convection is approximately 70 % and 30 % radiation portion. Due to the high convection very high internal heat loads can be dissipated, where the energy benefits come through the medium of water here are particularly felt. With additional open grid ceilings of the effective free area should be as large as possible, to maintain the high efficiency of convective chilled ceiling.
The convective chilled ceiling elements type WK-D-EL consist of thermal conduction,made from extruded aluminum profiles, provided with pressed-in copper pipe. The hollow, curved shape of the lamella is an attractive cover design and brings very high cooling capacities.
Special designs such as tilting modules, combinations with air diffusers, etc. are possible.

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With the TROX multifunctional beams type MFD room air is inducted via the heat exchanger (2- or 4-duct system), which is mounted above the nozzle pipe.
The induction air is heated or chilled when passing through the heat exchanger. Mixed with the supply air it is discharged to the room as a free stream following the profiled wings. The suspended lighting sail is longer than the diffuser unit and therefore ensures even illumination of the room. Depending on the type of lighting fixture direct or indirect lighting rates can be guaranteed.
All fronts are masked with shapely cover plates following the curves.

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  • Konvektive køleelementer i loftet

  • Attraktive buede profiler
  • Monteret som frit nedhængte elementer (plankeform)
  • Kan kombineres med gitterlofter
  • Også med mineralfiberplader til lydabsorption
  • Kan monteres over åbne gitterlofter
  • Projekt skræddersyet design

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DID 600B-L

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Køleelementer af typen WK-D-UM er designet til styring af interne varmebelastninger, hvor der er behov for de energimæssige fordele ved køling med vand. En høj kølekapacitet pr. arealenhed giver en billig løsning for det lokale indeklima. WK-D-UM-køleloftelementet består af et kobberrør som er fladtrykt, og presset ind i en perforeret støtteplade. Det fladtrykte kobberrør giver en bedre kontakt med bagsiden af metalloftpladen.

Denne monteringsmetode sikrer en god stråleudveksling mellem loftpladen og støttepladen, hvilket forbedrer den termiske ydeevne uden at påvirke det nedhængte lofts akustiske egenskaber. Specielt udformede fastgørelsesstropper (2 pr. loftplade) holder elementet på plads i loftpladen. WK-D-UM-køleloftelementet er også velegnet til brug på gipsplader i loftet.

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